Image by Emmy from Pixabay

Sense Mosaic

Have you ever flipped through a set of digital photos or photo album with the photos all organised by time? Perhaps you have several albums starting from […]

Beyond Thriving

Over the last 10 years my coaching practice has focused on Thriving and supporting my clients to develop their own wellbeing strategies. While I am still a […]

The Re-invention Wave

Reading the business press it’s hard to miss articles that cover a growing movement towards creating new more humane ways of working. The shift in attitudes to […]

Thriving Habits

Cake can make you happy. There is no news there, but what if you could transform that momentary “cake happiness”  into lasting wellbeing. Framed in a specific […]

30 Minutes to Impact Coaching

Sometimes the opportunity to say something out loud to another person can create space for change. It seems simple but it really can be that easy. Our […]

Looking for Volunteers – Leadership Pilot

In recent years ideas about what makes for good leadership has changed. Now terms such as “Conscious Leadership,” “Collaborative Leadership,”  “Transcendent Leadership” or “Participatory Leadership” are appearing […]

Free Live Webinars

Would you like to know more about the our programmes? Join one of our one hour free live webinars. You can find out more about the topic, […]

Putting the Magic in Mentoring

Mentor Magic from The Hampshire Chamber of Commerce I am big believer in mentoring so when I saw the Hampshire Chamber of commerce flyer for their “mentor […]