Emergent ideas in management science, human development and neuroscience are providing companies with insights that illuminate many of the knotty problems of people management, performance and collaboration. Joining the dots between the findings from each of these fields means companies can build practices and systems that work for the current context and can also adapt to change.
POSE is undertaking research into these emergent ideas using a model called the “evolutionary Organisation.” If you would like to learn more about the research or take part please contact us.
Evolutionary Organisation Exploratory Model
The most apt metaphor for an Evolutionary Organisation is that of a living organism complete with sense organs and the desire to survive and thrive. Just like living beings such organisations learn by experimenting and converting useful routines into habits, while still monitoring the effectiveness of those habits in case new circumstances require them to change.
The second major feature of an Evolutionary Organisation is its focus on the wellbeing of people within the system. The people within the organisation are more than just resources. They also act as sensors, gathering data, sharing insights, noticing the risks and opportunities for the organisation. In traditional hierarchies such activities are often the remit of management, here the work of sensing the “health” of the organisation extends to all its members.
A white paper available on request (contact us) provides a detailed description of the processes, approaches and values that are at work in an Evolutionary Organisation, as well as referencing the material that informs the model. Lastly, it provides a road map for evolving a traditional organisation into an Evolutionary one without the need for harsh interventions or damaging restructuring.